Requesting an estimate has never been easier or more efficient!
When requesting an estimate, please be as detailed as possible as this will help us better understand your project. As a result, you’ll save time and we’ll be able to provide you with an accurate quote.
In order to better understand the scope of work, we might need to get in touch with you while we research your estimate. Our estimate process for a project is a little different from other estimates you’ve probably seen out there. Each estimate has been reviewed for all possible outcomes, and we have made every effort to come up with the best estimate.
Fill out the form below and tell us as much as you can. To help you with your estimate, John Hoffman, our owner and concrete expert, will contact you shortly.
We want to take into consideration all possible obstacles to the project when we are reviewing it in person or preparing an initial estimate. Nobody likes surprises, and neither do we. As a result, our estimates or prices will always be competitive but probably a little higher. We don’t compete for projects based solely on price. We realize that we will not be able to earn 100% of the concrete business in the Inland Empire. Every project won’t be the perfect fit for us. But if we are a good fit, you will get our best!
I like your question. If we have enough information, we get to work right away. You’ll get an email or phone call from our team if we need to come out and look at it in person. For most projects, an “on-site” visit is necessary. In the case of brand new projects with plans and soil tests, an onsite visit is really necessary.
During the onsite visit and interview, you’ll get your estimate back within 2 business days. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of your estimate if it takes longer than expected.
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